The Month of Elul
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Fear of Sin - Punishment and Loftiness
A shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed regarding the correct fear of sins. -
Sparks of Teshuva
The month of Elul has arrived, and it's a good time to make teshuva, click here to watch Sparks of Teshuva - Ideas From Orot Hatshuvah -
Days of Divine Favor
And during these days it is better to say many selichot (forgiveness prayers) the Chidah. -
Selichot in Orot Hathora bat yam
with Rabbi Mordechai Kalifa rabbi of the Shul and Rabbi David Hai Hakohen head of Orot Hatorah institute -
Playing Hide-and-seek with God
God plays hide-and-seek with man...God's absence evokes a longing to draw near to Him
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